So, I’ve been thinkin’….

I’ve been thinking.

Thinking about starting to blog again. Thinking about online creative endeavors, side hustles, writing, oversharing, etc…

Wondering if it’s worth relearning how to do all of this. Should I bother? If I do, should I build upon what I’ve built here, or start from scratch? Do people still read blogs?

You see, social media is such crap these days, and I’m thinking maybe it’s time to return to my online roots. I was a pretty feisty blogger back in the day, with a blog that shall remain nameless, and I had a lot of fun doing that. If you know of it, that blog is dead. Let’s keep it that way, please and thank you.

Of course, I am older and theoretically wiser now, I’m still not sure if it’s worth the bother. I find myself with lots of stories to tell, and maybe someone wants to read them?

Perhaps I’ll just keep on thinkin’….

Feel The Love

Hi Kids! I’ve decided to do THIS again.



I rather like photo challenges. They force me to get off my ass and do something. I also discovered THIS ART CHALLENGE, but I’m not much into drawing these days, though I am trying to get back into that. I am planning on doing another year long self portrait challenge starting on my 45th birthday. I did this ten years ago for my 35th birthday and I think I may try to do it every ten years.

I’ll probably do the bulk of this project on my phone. I’ll be posting my April Love images to my Instagram feed if you care to check them out.

Now to find something blue to photograph before the end of the day.

Oh, Timmy….

I woke up during a nightmare this morning.

I was in a classroom taking an exam that I knew I was going to bomb. I looked out the window and it turned into a car window and there was a 4 year old boy with a fluorescent pink bicycle hiding next to a tree I was parked next to. I look to my right and Carol is sitting there. Then I looked back at the kid and he was climbing into some duct work that appeared out of nowhere and he got stuck. Suddenly I was alone and trying to verbally coax the kid out of the duct as I was getting out of the car. He wriggled and slid down and got trapped. In the dream I freaked out screaming that Timmy fell down the fucking well and I woke up sweating. Very strange.

I obviously haven’t blogged in a while. Honestly, I haven’t felt like it. It’s been a hell of a year. Things are creeping back to normal, so perhaps I’ll pop in here again soon. Or maybe I won’t. I am after all, a really strange girl.

All Work and No Play…

I missed another day yesterday. Oh well. I had a long day at work and then went out with co-workers after and didn’t get home until 10:30, at which point I went directly to bed. I did not pass go. I did not collect $200.

I figured it was good to get out and vent to sympathetic ears about our current work situation. A little less social media and a little more actually socializing was good. There are some people I haven’t seen in weeks, and others I’ve seen far too  much of. Too much togetherness for far too long. We all need our space and our places to hide from each other, yet we need to see the others and let them vent to us as well.

I can’t wait until we are back in the building and back to our regular routines.



How about this weather?

Can I just say, the weather these last couple of weeks has been amazing. Simply perfect. Temp’s ranging from 65-75 and dry.  This is unheard of this time of year in New England. Yeah, it’s supposed to absolutely dump tomorrow, but the last two weeks? Perfect weather for this big, pale, sweaty broad.


Well, it seems I missed a day. I spaced out on yesterday. Almost spaced out on today too.

So what exciting thing happened today? Well, I bought some new clothes. My husband makes a great personal stylist. There was a Patriot’s game on this afternoon so off to the mall we went in the hopes that everyone else in the area decided to stay home and watch the game. They didn’t, but I wonder how busy it would be if there wasn’t a game on.

Usually I won’t set foot in a mall after Halloween until well after Christmas. It wasn’t too bad today though. I found a slouchy pair of boots and a few things at Torrid. I love the clothes at Torrid, but sadly I am the smallest size they carry since they cater to gals bigger than me. I have the reverse problem in the regular size stores where I am either the largest size they carry or they don’t carry it at all. *sigh* With the help of my husband though I found two skirts, a dress, and a cardigan with skulls on it.

Oh, and the Bruins won tonight. Overall a good weekend.

Oh, the Hilarity….

It’s the end of another long ass week. My husband and I went out to dinner since neither of us felt like cooking. I had an adult beverage or two, which is just enough for me to think I’m hilarious, but not quite enough for me to actually be funny. I do however feel much more relaxed now though.

I think that’s all I have to say tonight. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I decided to do this blog every day thing this month. Hopefully I’ll be a little more interesting after getting some much needed sleep. Good night!


Tonight I am more tired than a I remember being in a long, long time. I’m tired, I ache and I want to go to bed, however I shouldn’t because then I’ll be wide awake sometime in the middle of the night and that will mess me up even more. Right now I am aiming to stay awake until 9pm, then I’ll go to bed. I’ve put a lot of clicks on my pedometer walking between three locations for work, all within a couple of blocks from each other. This is good, but damn it, I’m tired.


About two and a half weeks ago I arrived early for work on a Saturday morning preparing to open the building for the day. I was greeted by my workplace being surrounded by police and fire trucks. I quickly approached the first officer I saw to find out was was going on. I learned that two electricians were let into the building to work on an ongoing project earlier that morning and something terrible went wrong. Something in the basement exploded and the two men were injured, one of them quite badly, and they had just taken them both off to the hospital.

Fortunately the incident was contained to a small area of the building and burned out quickly. The sprinkler system apparently did not need to come on. I haven’t heard how the two electricians are doing other than than they are recovering, and I will probably never learn more on that score due to HIPAA regulations. Unfortunately, the damages to the electrical system were extensive enough that we are not allowed back into the building during the investigation and will likely not be able to open to the public for at least five more weeks while repairs are made.

The rest of the staff and I are scattered at a few different sites all over town. This is good because it means I still have a job. My schedule however is all messed up and it’s really messing with the rhythm of my life. I feel exhausted, I’m eating poorly, and I find myself sitting way more than I usually do. My sleep is erratic and I’m way more jumpy/cranky/bitchy than usual. It’s going to be a long couple of weeks.

I have a planned vacation coming up after next week and I sorely need it. Talk about timing!